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- Upward Bound Tutoring

Upward Bound Tutoring Program
The Crowder College Upward Bound Programs are dedicated to the academic success of all participants and work year-round to provide academic support. The UB Tutoring Program is an academic support to help participants reach their academic goals.
All Upward Bound participants are expected to complete either 30 minutes or one hour of tutoring (depending on their current grades) either online or in-person each week.
For online tutoring, Upward Bound has purchased a subscription to Brainfuse.com, which provides live tutors and other tutoring services. Brainfuse provides participants access to a personalized, all-in-one learning experience. Participants can work with live tutors, collaborate with peers, and study on their own. To access online tutoring, go to Brainfuse.com.
For in-person tutoring, participants are encouraged to request support from their teachers, a peer tutor, or a tutor arranged through Upward Bound. Participants will need to submit a Tutoring Program Time Sheet to their AC to verify online and in-person tutoring hours. We encourage participants to contact their AC as soon as possible if they are struggling in class(es) so we can provide them with tutoring support (i.e. helping arrange tutoring options).
Participants will need to submit current grades to your AC each month at C2C.
For the UB Tutoring Program guidelines please download the Tutoring Program Information Sheet using the link below.
Tutoring Program Documents