Talent Search
- Talent Search Activities
- Talent Search Application
- Talent Search College Checklist
- Talent Search Eligibility
- Talent Search FAQ
- Talent Search Resources And Links
- Talent Search Staff

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why would I want to be a part of Talent Search?
Talent Search is a free opportunity to receive extra information and academic assistance to improve academic success. You will learn in a fun, interactive way how you can plan for college and your career. You will have the chance to meet students from other schools who have similar goals and form relationships that will support you. Lastly, Talent Search is just plain fun!
Q. Who can be a part of Talent Search?
Talent Search is designed for students who may be the first in their family to go to college to receive a four year degree, and for students who meet certain income guidelines. Crowder College Talent Search serves 6th through 12th grade students in five school districts: McDonald County, Neosho, Seneca, Southwest R-5, Wheaton, Cassville, Monett, Pierce City, and East Newton.
Q. How can I be a part of Talent Search?
Ask your school counselor for an application for Talent Search. You must complete the application with your parents/guardians. The completed application must include you and your parent/guardian signature to be considered. You may return the application to your counselor or mail it to the Talent Search office.
Q. What does it cost to participate in Talent Search?
There is no cost to participants and their family. Talent Search is a federally funded TRIO program.
Q. Can I participate in Talent Search and Upward Bound or Upward Bound Math/Science?
No, you can only participate in one TRIO program at a time. Talent Search does encourage participants to apply for Upward Bound if they wish their freshman year of high school. If they are accepted into either the Upward Bound or Upward Bound Math/Science programs, they will no longer be served by Talent Search.
Q. If accepted, will I have to apply for Talent Search every year?
No. Once a student is selected for participation in the program, she/he does not reapply each year and will remain in the program until graduation from high school.
Q. What is a workshop?
An in-school workshop is 30-60 minute monthly meeting with a Talent Search Advisor. Workshop topics include career exploration, study skills, teamwork, college preparation, etc. These workshops occur during regular school hours. All Talent Search participants in the school and grade attend.
In-school workshops give students a chance to identify with a group of students in the same grade, who are focused on academic success, planning for the future and thinking about college.
Talent Search encourages students to develop good social skills and treat others with respect.
Parents should ask their student to see the handout from the in-school workshop so that the concepts and ideas can be discussed as a family.
Q. How can I go to a Talent Search field trip or college visit?
Once you are a participant in the Talent Search program you will have a chance to sign up for field trips, college visits, summer academies, and evening/Saturday workshops. Remember that some activities are sometimes limited in number. Make sure that you have your parents compete and return the necessary medical, and information release forms in a timely manner in the fall. When you receive information about an activity, be sure to fill out any necessary papers and/or call the office to sign up for the trip.
Please remember that once you sign up for an activity that you are taking a spot that someone else may not receive. If something should arise that keeps you from attending be sure to call the Talent Search office as soon as possible so that someone else may be able to take your place.
Q. Is there any charge to participant in the trips and activities?
There is no cost to participants and their family. Talent Search is a federally funded TRIO program. When on trips, Talent Search provides meals, snacks and drinks when appropriate for the length of the trip.
Q. Why does Talent Search go on field trips?
Field trips provide Talent Search students the chance to learn about the importance of education and planning for their futures interactively.
Research shows that the largest percentage of American students learn kinesthetically (hands-on learning by “doing”).
What better way to learn what careers and education that will be available, then by taking them to places that will allow them experience.
Have a great idea for a field trip? Talent Search advisors are always looking for some place new and exciting. Take a minute to drop us a note.